




Saturday, February 3, 2024

People on this island in Italy live to 100 here’s a look at their diet for longevity


People on this island in Italy live to 100 here’s a look at their diet for longevity

Sardinia Italy is one of the world's five Blue zones or places around the world where a huge number of people live to 100 or longer for these vibrant Sardinia senior citizens what they eat plays an important role in longevity but you don't need to live in Italy to get these culinary health benefits Heres how to eat like a Sardinia for a longer life Which island in Italy do people live on over 100?

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1 Use Sardinia inspire ingredients  

Meat is used sparingly and much of the food in Sardinia is locally grown and generally free of pesticides hormones dyes or sugar 

Here. 's exactly what you'll find on a typical Sardinia menu 

Vegetable greens salads and bean soups with fennel fava beans chickpeas and tomatoes Goat and sheep's milk products which  have anti-inflammatory properties and have been found to lower bad cholesterol 

Sardinia red wine from the mountaintop regions has higher levels of polyphenols than most other wines polyphenols are  antioxidants that can help protect against ailments like diabetes and heart disease 

Their signature fretboard” Carta di musica made of high protein low gluten Triticum whole grain which is the main ingredient in Italian pasta

Milk thistle tea thought to clean the liver is enjoyed daily.

2 Grow the Same of your own food 

Sardinia like to forage for wild asparagus wild greens berries and mushrooms Don't do this yourself without the proper training otherwise you could run the risk of eating something poisonous 

If you don't have a garden try allotting a small plot of land for growing the Italian basics lettuce tomatoes basil parsley and squash you can also grow these items in pots if you don't have a garden space 

There's nothing like the vibrant flavors of food  that are eaten shortly after being harvested 

3 Eat out less

Sardinia loves to cook Take the time to enjoy the sounds of chopping onions and mincing garlic and crushing fresh tomatoes for a delicious Sunday sauce 

You can gradually ease into the habit of cooking at home if you work full time and take weekends to do some batch cooking or meal prep to last two or three days during the week 

Instead of looking at cooking as a chore relax and embrace the process Invite your family to help with cleanup and preparation or have a friend over to share the fun over a glass of Sardinia wine 

Which island in Italy do people live on over 100?

Which island in Italy has old people?

What was the diet of Italian centenarians?

What is the healthiest island in Italy?

4 Move More 

Sardinia stays active all day long, especially in their culinary pursuits They tend to their Sheep milk their goats forage for greens cook clean, and garden 

While you most likely won't be herding sheep or searching for mushrooms you can still find ways to stay active throughout your day

If you sit in front of the computer all day set the timer on your phone or smartwatch in 30 to 45-minute intervals so you remember to get up and stretch or take a walk on your lunch hour 

When you incorporate more movement into your routine it can help uplift your spirits 

Raeleen D A Agostino Mautner is the author of 45 Ways to Live Like an Italian Italian Inspired Self-care Traditions for Everyday Happiness She holds a Ph.D. in psychology and is a citizen of both Italy and the US She is a regular contributor to bilingual  English Italian publications and has served as the stress reduction interventionist for a large cardiac study at yale she lives in New haven Connecticut 

Much of the food in Sardinia is locally grown, and generally free of pesticides, hormones, dyes, or sugars. Meat is used sparingly, but here's what you'll find on the typical Sardinian menu: Vegetables, greens, salads

Which island in Italy do people live on over 100?

Which island in Italy has old people?

What was the diet of Italian centenarians?

What is the healthiest island in Italy?

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