




Thursday, July 6, 2023

EMF Protection With Defense Pendant (WITH VSL

EMF Protection With Defense Pendant (WITH VSLStudies show that EMFs have a profound effect on our bodies…


In fact, a recent review at the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley found that spending just 17 minutes per day on your phone over the course of 10 years is associated with a 60% increase in brain cancer!

EMF radiation causes DNA damage, disrupts hormones, creates stress proteins, and negatively affects fertility, and the CDC concluded there is a high probability that EMFs cause 2 kinds of brain tumors. You can’t “unplug” from exposure to EMFs.

But you CAN protect yourself.

Harmoni Pendant Reviews - Legit EMF Radiation Blocker Protection Necklace?

This EMF protection necklace profoundly affects the body because it reduces stress and controls the surrounding EMFs around them. The creators wanted to ensure that customers got exactly what they hoped for, so eight doctors collaborated across the United States to use Heart Scientific HRV technology to evaluate the pendantsThe Harmoni Pendant is a necklace that offers specialized technology to protect the body from the unnatural effects of EMF exposure. The necklace must be activated before it starts delivering protection benefits, and it can be worn anytime or at night.

What is the Harmoni Pendant? By simply walking around during their daily routine. While the exposure to EMF might not have been substantial decades ago, the growing number of devices that release EMF has exploded, and there seems to be nowhere safe. EMF can be dangerous for consumers' health because it interferes with the body's natural electrical impulses that control health, sleep, mood, and more. The dangerous effects of EMF have been well documented, but the technological world continues its advancements.

With the Harmoni Pendant, consumers get a fashionable, incredibly functional necklace. As users wear the necklace, they’ll see a massive reduction in their stress levels and a boost to their energy levels. Wearers of the Harmoni Pendant will start to notice a major difference in how aged they feel and how generally overall healthy they feel. Users start to feel better than they have in a long time because they are no longer soaking in all of the EMF emissions they have been for so long.

What Makes the Harmoni Pendant So Unique? The body because it reduces stress and controls the surrounding EMFs around them. The creators wanted to ensure that customers got exactly what they hoped for, so eight doctors collaborated across the United States to use Heart Scientific HRV technology to evaluate the pendants. This metric makes it possible for the researcher to see the health of the participant’s nervous systems compared to their stress. EMF exposure can be from everyday things we use without knowing the harm it inflicts:   


●    Wireless satellites
●    Micro radiation from our smart devices
●    WiFi connections
●    Thousands of cell phone towers and the connected devices

According to this helpful study on the necklace, researchers determined that the HRV of the participants scored seven times higher than the average consumer, indicating how calm they felt wearing it. Users experienced 48% less stress than they normally do with defense pendant quantum energy pendant

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Safe for pets
Solid EMF necklace
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Headache Relief
Sleep comfortably
Waterproof EMF Pendant
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Shield Defense Pendant
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creates negative ions
Balance and neutralize EMF Radiation
Harmonize Energy Waves
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Relieves anxiety  

                                                      BAY NOW 

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