




Sunday, July 9, 2023

Blood Pressure 911: The Revolutionary Breakthrough That's Transforming Cardiovascular Health!"

Embrace the Symphony of Healing: Blood Pressure 911's Epic Crusade to Conquer Hypertension!

In a realm where hearts tremble with fear, image

Who is Blood Pressure 911 for?

If you have a healthy audience of men and women over 45 years old, then this offer is for you.

Nearly half of adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure, and that's over 108 million people. Only about 1 in 4 adults (24%) with hypertension have their condition under control.

Where hypertension's whispers draw near,

There emerges a symphony, enchanting and grand,

Blood Pressure 911, extending a healing hand.

Oh, let us embark on this epic crusade,

Where melodies of hope and strength cascade,

With each note resounding, a battle cry,

Blood Pressure 911, our guardian, standing high.

Like a conductor, orchestrating a divine score,

It takes charge, guiding us to the wellness shore,

Harmonizing within, it seeks to prevail,

Aiming to conquer hypertension's daunting trail.

Witness the rise of this mighty hero,

With determination ablaze, its purpose aglow,

With each dose, a chord struck, a step closer to peace,

Restoring vitality, granting sweet release.

The symphony of healing echoes in the air,

Melting away worries, banishing despair,

Blood Pressure 911, a conductor of life,

Leading the way through darkness and strife.

Embrace the crescendo of this magnificent fight,

Unleash the power, let your spirits ignite,

Together we march, united and strong,

Conquering hypertension, righting the wrong.

In this symphony, let healing waves flow,

Blood Pressure 911's crusade, let it show,

Embrace the harmony, the triumph it brings,

For a life without hypertension, our hearts sing.

Blood Pressure 911's Battle Against Hypertension

In the realm where health and darkness clash,

A silent assassin resides, ready to thrash,

Hypertension, the enemy, stealthy and sly,

But fear not, dear reader, for hope draws nigh.

Blood Pressure 911, a hero stands tall,

A beacon of light, it answers the call,

In this poetic journey, let's delve deep,

And uncover the secrets it holds to keep.

Imagine a symphony, a crescendo of grace,

Blood Pressure 911 takes its rightful place,

A warrior with purpose, a knight so bold,

Embarking on a quest, a story untold.

Its arsenal of healing, a mystical potion,

To battle the foe and soothe the emotion,

With each capsule, a sword of might,

It fights hypertension, day and night.

In the vast landscape of the beating heart,

Blood Pressure 911 plays a vital part,

Defending against the silent intrusion,

Restoring balance, a divine fusion.

It whispers hope in the darkest hour,

Empowering lives with its gentle power,

With each heartbeat, a triumph it claims,

Banishing hypertension, breaking its chains.

So let us unite in this battle profound,

Where emotions and poetry beautifully resound,

Blood Pressure 911, our champion so true,

Together we conquer, for health we pursue.

In this poetic saga, the tale is revealed,

Blood Pressure 911, a hero unconcealed,

With courage and love, it fights the good fight,

Embracing our hearts, bringing wellness and light.

In the realm of health's relentless fray,

A silent foe lurks, threatening our way,

Hypertension, the stealthy assassin's reign,

Stealing tranquility, causing endless pain.

But fear not, for a hero emerges strong,

Blood Pressure 911, a battle song,

With valorous might and healing grace,

It embarks on a crusade to erase.

In a symphony of healing, it takes a stand,

An epic saga, a fate to command,

Unveiling its power, it fights the fight,

Restoring harmony, banishing the blight.

Like a knight in shining armor, it defends,

Our precious hearts, it ardently mends,

Each dose a shield, each capsule a sword,

Fighting hypertension, the silent discord.

 BAY NOW            With every beat, a victory is won,

Blood Pressure 911, the battle's sun,

Embracing hope, it triumphs anew,

Unleashing vitality, a life to pursue.

So heed the call, embrace this quest,

Let Blood Pressure 911 be your guest,

Together we conquer, hypertension's bane,

In this battle fought love shall remain.

Embrace the Symphony of Healing: Blood Pressure 911's Epic Crusade to Conquer Hypertension!

In a realm where hearts tremble with fear,
Where hypertension's whispers draw near,
There emerges a symphony, enchanting and grand,
Blood Pressure 911, extending a healing hand.

Oh, let us embark on this epic crusade,
Where melodies of hope and strength cascade,
With each note resounding, a battle cry,
Blood Pressure 911, our guardian, standing high.

Like a conductor, orchestrating a divine score,
It takes charge, guiding us to the wellness shore,
Harmonizing within, it seeks to prevail,
Aiming to conquer hypertension's daunting trail.

Witness the rise of this mighty hero,
With determination ablaze, its purpose aglow,
With each dose, a chord struck, a step closer to peace,
Restoring vitality, granting sweet release.

The symphony of healing echoes in the air,
Melting away worries, banishing despair,
Blood Pressure 911, a conductor of life,
Leading the way through darkness and strife.

Embrace the crescendo of this magnificent fight,
Unleash the power, let your spirits ignite,
Together we march, united and strong,
Conquering hypertension, righting the wrong.

In this symphony, let healing waves flow,
Blood Pressure 911's crusade, let it show,
Embrace the harmony, the triumph it brings,
For a life without hypertension, our hearts sing.
Blood Pressure 911's Battle Against Hypertension

In the realm where health and darkness clash,
A silent assassin resides, ready to thrash,
Hypertension, the enemy, stealthy and sly,
But fear not, dear reader, for hope draws nigh.

Blood Pressure 911, a hero stands tall,
A beacon of light, it answers the call,
In this poetic journey, let's delve deep,
And uncover the secrets it holds to keep.

Imagine a symphony, a crescendo of grace,
Blood Pressure 911 takes its rightful place,
A warrior with purpose, a knight so bold,
Embarking on a quest, a story untold.

Its arsenal of healing, a mystical potion,
To battle the foe and soothe the emotion,
With each capsule, a sword of might,
It fights hypertension, day and night.

In the vast landscape of the beating heart,
Blood Pressure 911 plays a vital part,
Defending against the silent intrusion,
Restoring balance, a divine fusion.

It whispers hope in the darkest hour,
Empowering lives with its gentle power,
With each heartbeat, a triumph it claims,
Banishing hypertension, breaking its chains.

So let us unite in this battle profound,
Where emotions and poetry beautifully resound,
Blood Pressure 911, our champion so true,
Together we conquer, for health we pursue.

In this poetic saga, the tale is revealed,
Blood Pressure 911, a hero unconcealed,
With courage and love, it fights the good fight,
Embracing our hearts, bringing wellness and light.
In the realm of health's relentless fray,
A silent foe lurks, threatening our way,
Hypertension, the stealthy assassin's reign,
Stealing tranquility, causing endless pain.

But fear not, for a hero emerges strong,
Blood Pressure 911, a battle song,
With valorous might and healing grace,
It embarks on a crusade to erase.

In a symphony of healing, it takes a stand,
An epic saga, a fate to command,
Unveiling its power, it fights the fight,
Restoring harmony, banishing the blight.

Like a knight in shining armor, it defends,
Our precious hearts, it ardently mends,
Each dose a shield, each capsule a sword,
Fighting hypertension, the silent discord.

With every beat, a victory is won,
Blood Pressure 911, the battle's sun,
Embracing hope, it triumphs anew,
Unleashing vitality, a life to pursue.

So heed the call, embrace this quest,
Let Blood Pressure 911 be your guest,
Together we conquer, hypertension's bane,
In this battle fought love shall remain. Unveiling the Crusade: Blood Pressure 911 vs. Hypertension

In a world shrouded in the ominous silence of hypertension, emerges a hero, Blood Pressure 911. With fearless determination and unwavering resolve, it engages in an epic battle against the silent killer. Witness the triumph of this noble warrior as it unveils a crusade, armed with nature's remedies and healing wonders. Embrace the symphony of hope, as Blood Pressure 911's melodious symphony dances through your veins, dismantling the shackles of high blood pressure. Let your heart be captivated by the resounding rhythm of life, as this extraordinary remedy breathes vitality into your existence. Surrender to the embrace of Blood Pressure 911, and reclaim the symphony of your health.
 Blood Pressure 911, and reclaim the symphony of your health.
In the realm where health's symphony grows faint,
There lies a remedy, Blood Pressure 911, a saint.
A whispered melody, a soothing balm,
It beckons you, to embrace its healing calm.

With a gentle touch, it reclaims your health's refrain,
Restoring balance, easing every strain.
Oh, let its harmonies wash over you,
As it conducts the symphony, vibrant and authentic.

In each heartbeat's rhythm, a newfound grace,
A symphony of life, an embrace.
No longer confined by hypertension's grasp,
Your spirit soars, released from its clasp.

With Blood Pressure 911 as your guiding light,
Reclaim the melody, and take flight.
Let your body dance, free and unconfined,
As health's symphony weaves a tapestry of the divine.

Oh, embrace this symphony, let it lead,
To a world where vitality and joy exceed.
Blood Pressure 911's healing power,
Restores the symphony, hour by hour.

Reclaim the conductor's baton, take your stand,
And let this remedy hold your hand.
Together, we'll rise, in harmony's embrace,
Blood Pressure 911, the savior of grace.

So, close your eyes and feel the surge,
As this poetic elixir, your soul will purge.
Reclaim the symphony, let it resound,
With Blood Pressure 911, health is found.

phytage_logo BP911_btl_4
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Who is Blood Pressure 911 for?
If you have a healthy audience of men and women over 45 years old, then this offer is for you.

Nearly half of adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure, and that's over 108 million people. Only about 1 in 4 adults (24%) with hypertension have their condition under control.

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It was the worst day of my life. It was horrific.

You see, I was known as “the fitness guy”.

Heck, I played on the football team in college and I still hit the gym twice a week and eat very healthy.

I’m the guy that friends and family ask for advice on health and diet.

I wasn’t overweight. I didn’t smoke.

 BAY NOW I was feeling great that day… then boom… out of nowhere, with no warning signs during my granddaughter’s baptism at church in front of 130 family and friends,

I suffered a stroke that nearly killed me.

I almost died and left my family stranded and alone without a husband and father at the age of 48...

High blood pressure will do that to you.

That's why they call it “the silent killer.’

You never think it will strike you down, but it does.

If you have high blood pressure, it means your blood flow is too fast right now.

This is causing damage to your blood vessels, and heart vessels, and this is or will restrict blood flow to your brain and heart.

But anyway, after my stroke, my wife and I were eating at our favorite Japanese restaurant, and this led to me luckily stumbling upon... old Japanese farmer's secret

that reduced my high blood pressure naturally. 

And it will be FOR YOU, TOO.

This natural blood pressure-lowering secret has been covered up and hidden by the big drug companies because it does not require any prescription medications.

It was even published in the prestigious journal Archives Of Internal Medicine and over 24,853 people just like you have used it to lower their blood pressure into the safe zone naturally.

It is the missing link to why other solutions have not worked for you, coming straight from the Bible but confirmed by modern science.

And, the beauty is, you do NOT need to eat any restrictive diet or give up so-called “forbidden foods” like red meat, salt, and butter.

And you do NOT have to do any crazy exercise program or eat foods you don’t like or anything unpleasant like that.

This Japanese secret works for people of any age and with any blood pressure level,

...and for those on no medication and for those still struggling to manage their blood pressure, even while taking several prescription drugs every day.

This flies in the face of what you’ve been told before, so I’m sure you’re skeptical because so was...

...Mary Ann Duplantis said:

“In just two weeks my blood pressure went from 192/102 down to 126/84 by following this natural secret.”

And Dan Topanga who said: 

“I was very skeptical at first, but now my blood pressure is down so much that my doctor said I can get off both of the prescription drugs I have been taking.  

So now I feel so much better, have no more high blood pressure, and I don’t have to worry about the terrible side effects of high blood pressure medicines anymore.

Thank you so much!”

And Carmine Suarez said:

“My blood pressure dropped from 180/92 all the way down to 118/78 so now I am completely off my prescription drugs.

 I wanted to tell you I feel so much more energy, and I have no more fatigue, pain, or anxiety.”

In the next couple of minutes, I’m also going to reveal:

  • What doctors don’t tell about blood pressure medications

  • A study on what having high blood pressure does to your risk of catching a terrible virus

  • And what Harvard says about high blood pressure and dementia

  • Why the blood pressure supplements sold on Amazon, GNC, and in stores that contain hawthorn berries, garlic, hibiscus, and beet don’t work good enough and much more.

So if you’ve been told that you have high blood pressure too, even if your reading is just 123/85 or 130/90, it’s very urgent you pay close attention to what I’m about to share because this information in the next few minutes could save your life.

My name is Ed Corcoran.

A couple years ago, when this happened, I was only 48 years old.

My wife and I were proudly attending our granddaughter Rebecca’s baptism at Saint Mary’s Church. I was so proud and happy that day.

And what a beautiful day it was, sunny and 76 degrees with clear blue skies. I felt like I was on top of the world.

Little did I know, just minutes later,

I would be rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital in an ambulance after suffering a stroke….

I remember praying, “Please God, don’t let me die now!”

...and if that wasn’t bad enough, it was right in front of 130 or so of our closest friends and family who had come to celebrate this special day and then it got even worse.

After my stroke, I was basically bedridden, feeling awful, and out of work for over 9 months which put a terrible financial drain on my family because it wiped out the money we had been saving for retirement.

And then the doctors said the loss of feeling in my left arm “should come back within a few months”, but the feeling in my left arm NEVER did come back and now I have a hard time with coordination and doing many simple tasks that are easy and routine for most people.

The physical toll on ME was not even the worst part because every time I looked into the beautiful eyes of my wife, Karen, I saw her worry and concern, and it tore my heart apart.

My wife Karen is a good woman.

We’ve been married for 23 years.

I didn’t want to disappoint her, but I did.

She is too sweet to admit it, but I failed my wife by not taking care of my high blood pressure (like she warned me to) having a stroke, and turning our lives upside down.

In fact, my stroke from high blood pressure nearly bankrupted us.

You see, the deductibles and copays from my hospital stay and 9-month home rehab cost us...

over $84,500 cash.

It wiped out all our retirement savings, which means Karen knows we probably won’t ever be able to buy that little condo by the beach in New Smyrna Beach, Florida for our retirement that we’ve always dreamed about.

I am sharing my personal horror story with you for one reason …

I want YOU to know about the Japanese secret that finally ended my high blood pressure and would have prevented me from ever having a stroke in the first place...

  • So YOU can avoid having a stroke like I did, or a heart attack, vision loss, or dementia

  • So YOU can avoid dying young and stranding your family

  • So YOU can reduce the risk of burdening your family with teaching you to walk or talk again

  • So YOU can avoid being wiped out financially even if you have good health insurance

  • So YOU can live a more energetic, healthier, happier, and longer life

Before I tell you about my remarkable natural Japanese farmer discovery that ended my high blood pressure, let’s look at the dangers of having high blood pressure.

Here they are:

Vision Loss

High blood pressure can be extremely dangerous to your vision, often leading to serious problems and sometimes even permanent damage.

The small blood vessels around the eyes can begin to bleed, causing blurry vision or, in the most extreme circumstances, complete blindness.

Additionally, those suffering from high blood pressure can also expect damage to the optic nerve from blocked blood flow, as well as leaky blood vessels that can cause fluid to collect under the retina.

Kidney Failure

Healthy blood vessels are an absolute requirement for your kidneys to work properly, filtering and then removing waste and fluid from the blood.

So, when the kidneys aren’t working properly, waste and fluid can build up, which can lead to medical interventions such as dialysis or kidney transplants.

Sexual Dysfunction

Another danger of having high blood pressure is limiting the flow of blood, which is often caused by the narrowing and hardening of arteries, and damage to the blood vessel lining.

In women, this can affect sexual desire and cause problems with vaginal dryness and the achievement of orgasms.

In men, this can lead to the inability to get and keep an erection.

Brittle Bones

Those with high blood pressure may also find that they have more calcium in their urine, which means there is less calcium in the body.

This can lead to more broken bones and even osteoporosis, which is the result of a decrease in bone density.

Trouble Sleeping

Research shows that more than 50% of people with high blood pressure may also have problems falling or staying asleep.

This particular condition, called obstructive sleep apnea, is the result of more relaxed throat muscles, which can lead to snoring and the inability to stay asleep.

Unfortunately, sleep apnea and loss of sleep can also lead to high blood pressure, thus creating a vicious circle of unhealthy symptoms.

Heart Attack, Stroke, and Death

When high blood pressure goes untreated and inhibits blood flow, studies show that almost 50% of those suffering succumb to heart disease, and over 30% to stroke.

Those who allow their imbalanced blood pressure to remain untreated may also experience artery damage, enlarged hearts, and aneurysms.

Dr. Oz added another problem you can soon have if you let your blood pressure remain high …

Memory Loss

Dr. Oz says high blood pressure can cause blood vessels to narrow or rupture, leading to stroke.

But it can have more subtle neurological effects, too, like mild cognitive impairment, including short-term memory lapses.


And that’s not all.

Harvard University and other research institutions studied 5,273 people.  

They found those with long-term high blood pressure had a 52% higher risk of having dementia!²

Weakened Immune System

WebMD posted that In Italy, of people who've died from the virus, 76% of them had high blood pressure.  

That’s because high blood pressure weakens your immune system

So anyway, after my stroke, I bet you can guess what happened next.

Yep, the doctors prescribed two different blood pressure drugs for me to take!

And I hate drugs.

I can’t stand their side effects.

The ones known, and the side effects yet unknown but that you always read about that can harm you later.

I am the kind of person who likes to treat my health problems naturally, free of toxic and harmful drugs.

However, because I just had a stroke, I agreed to go on them for a little while at least.

And that’s when my NIGHTMARE of blood pressure prescription drug hell got started ….

Lisinopril is the med my doctor put me on first. 

It’s an ACE Inhibitor. He prescribed 10mg and it lowered my BP but my heart raced and I had bad insomnia at night.

Plus I got chest pain and a dry cough. It was a killer, constant cough that ruined my life.

I would cough every 15-20 seconds which made sleep for me and my wife just about impossible.

I quit taking it.

By the way, after I got off Lisinopril, I did a little research on the government website and found out there have been a shocking 406,178 health and side effect-related complaints made about Lisinopril to the Federal Drug Administration!

Think about all that pain and suffering from something that is supposed to be helpful!

Metoprolol was the next prescription drug my doctor put me on.

Most people take a generic version of this drug, and as you may have heard in the news lately, a shockingly large number of generic drugs like this are made in China, yes, China.

Yukkkkkkkk!  I don’t even want to think about what could be in these generic drugs from China!

This beta blocker drug made me feel like I was running in cement boots.

It just sucked all the energy and strength out of me and made me feel like I was 20 years older.

My experience with blood pressure drugs is very common.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs DON’T WORK for 52% of people who take them!

You heard that correctly!  

These drugs FAIL to control the blood pressure of OVER HALF the people who use them!

And even if prescription drugs DID work over the long term, they do NOT deal with the root cause of high blood pressure.

And what’s even worse is you have to take them for the rest of your life.

So, I had to get off prescription drugs, but I kept on a strict diet and exercise program my doctor recommended and I decided to try herbal supplements from Amazon and my local GNC store.

I bought the blood pressure supplement “Amazon recommends” and took it for a month but that did NOT work for me.

Then I took the supplement GNC recommended for a month and just like the other supplement, this did NOT work for me either.

I would later learn that these supplements rely on hawthorn berry, beet, garlic, and hibiscus, and these herbs do not work all that good by themselves.

So I was back to square one.

Depressed. At my wit’s end.

Nothing would work. What could I do?

I remember breaking down crying, getting on my knees, and asking God for a miracle.

And shortly after this, one evening my wife and I went to eat at our favorite Japanese restaurant in Chicago.

I was talking to the manager, telling him how much I loved his food, but I might have to stop eating there because of my high blood pressure.

He said, “No, that is not the answer.”

He said,

“You should talk to my cousin. He is a Japanese doctor who for 30 years has specialized in ending high blood pressure naturally. He is visiting here from Japan with his family for a wedding next week, and I could ask if he would talk to you while he is here.”

But when the manager called me back, he said his cousin (the famous Japanese doctor) said he wanted to do no work while he was in America because he was burned out and needed a break.

I was crushed when I heard this because I desperately needed the Japanese doctor’s advice.

So I asked for his email address. I sent him a long email that virtually begged him for just ten minutes of his time when he was here on vacation.

I guess my sob story got to him because he agreed to meet with me.

So, I met with Dr. Nakamura.

He was very studious, intelligent, and professional.  

I could immediately tell he knew what he was talking about.

He told me his patients have no high blood pressure at all, ZERO!

I was stunned.  

Because I knew about HALF of all older people had high blood pressure.

He said, “Ed, that is correct statistically. But I have found the secret, and when I give it to my patients, they have no high blood pressure.”

Dr. Nakamura told me this discovery was first published in an article in 1913 in the prestigious journal, Archives Of Internal Medicine.⁵

The researchers were shocked to find that in Japanese farming communities, virtually nobody had high blood pressure even people who were in their 70s and 80s and they took no drugs because they didn’t have high blood pressure in the first place.⁶

A summary article stated in part,

“…hypertension is virtually absent…”

And get this: You might think it was genetics, but it was NOT because even though these Japanese farmers had no high blood pressure, nearby communities did.

Dr. F.M. Allan studied the diets of these farmers to determine WHAT THEY ATE that acted as a powerful shield against getting high blood pressure.

Dr. Allan hit the jackpot.

He found there were certain foods these Japanese Farmers ate that protected them against high blood pressure and lowered their blood pressure if it got too high.

Dr. Nakamura explained it to me this way…

“There are certain natural foods that God made that reduce blood pressure levels naturally and safely.  

They work very quickly and in almost every case, regardless of how high a person’s blood pressure is, what they have tried before, or how long they have been afflicted.”

I asked what these foods were.

Dr. Nakamura agreed to tell me what these 4 magic foods were and I’ll tell you in a minute.

But he said,

“First I need to give you a quick “bottom line” summary of what you must know about blood pressure.”

He said…

"Your heart’s key job is to pump blood through your body. To places like your brain, your lungs, your private parts, your eyes, your kidneys, your liver, and so forth."

Your blood needs to travel through a network of tube-shaped parts and these little tubes are called blood vessels.

But here’s the problem.

As you get older, your blood vessels become tighter and narrower.

They close in. They shrink up.

 BAY NOW  And then what happens is not good when they start closing up, you are in big trouble.

Your blood can’t flow as easily through your blood vessels anymore...

...and this makes your heart have to work harder and the measurement of how hard your heart has to work is your blood pressure reading.

And what your high blood pressure really means is that your heart is constantly being over-stressed and overworked.

And this is what leads to little tears, then plaque, then clots, then heart attack, stroke, and other terrible daggers that will damage or destroy your life to one extent or another.

So in summary, all problems start with stiff blood vessels.

In fact, in breaking news, research just published in Science Daily confirmed that stiff blood vessels are a key cause of high blood pressure.⁷

I call this Blood Vessel Stiffness Syndrome (BVSS).

This occurs because the aging process and toxins cause your blood vessels to become tight and rigid.

Dr. Gerald Meininger, director of the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center and a professor of medical pharmacology and physiology in the School of Medicine at the University Of Missouri, put it this way….

"Arterial and vascular stiffness occurs through the normal process of biological aging and is associated with an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes."

"As we age, the aorta, which normally acts as a shock absorber dampening the pulse associated with each heartbeat, tightens and becomes rigid, causing a host of problems including high blood pressure, increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events and even death."

So then, what is the solution to your Blood Vessel Stiffness Syndrome?

The world-famous University Of California-Irvine researchers were the first in modern research to crack the puzzle, certain little-known herbs contain nutrients that activate the potassium channel (KCNQ5) in blood vessels, and this relaxes your blood vessels, which lowers your blood pressure.

This is just what you need…

This is why other attempts to lower your blood pressure have not worked for you in the past.

Let me repeat:  

Because your past efforts did NOT activate this KCNQ5 channel, your past efforts of diet, exercise, medications, and supplements have failed to work for your blood pressure well enough.

Because now blood can flow freely from your heart to all of your organs and the rest of your body to give you vibrant health.

These herbs have been used successfully for hundreds of years to prevent and reduce high blood pressure, but the average person will never hear about them because the multi-billion dollar drug companies keep this information hidden from the public so people keep buying prescription drugs and the big pharma companies keep making their fortunes.

These nutrients have been scientifically shown to:

Sweep calcium plaque out of your arteries and put it back into your bones where it belongs!

Make your blood vessels soft and flexible again!

Promote healthy blood flow and help you enjoy normal blood pressure.

Dr. Nakamura then told me about the 3 best herbs to lower blood pressure that he discovered in Japan, and how each works:

#1 Perfect Blood Pressure Nutrient: 

BUCHU (Leaf)

Standing six feet tall, Buchu Leaf has potent medicinal substances while emitting a scent similar to peppermint.

The bloating associated with high blood pressure can be relieved by buchu leaf. It is an effective diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.⁹

Buchu has a long history as a medicinal herb and was used by the indigenous Khoisan for centuries who believed it to be an elixir of youth.

Buchu was first exported to Britain in the eighteenth century.

In Europe, it was called “nobles’ tea” because only the wealthy could afford it.

There were eight bales of buchu on board the Titanic.¹⁰

Dr. Tammi O’Flynn, a psychotherapist, says today we have scientific research that confirms what smart people knew centuries ago: 

Buchu is, in fact, a wonder plant.

Not only does it have anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, but it also contains antioxidants and bioflavonoids, plus vitamins A, B, and E.

Meaning buchu is great for people who want to lower their blood pressure naturally.¹¹

#2 Perfect Blood Pressure Nutrient: 


In ancient Greek times, athletes used Juniper Berry to increase stamina and st

It acts as a natural diuretic, which helps reduce edema and lower blood pressure.

Juniper berries have traditionally been used to “detoxify” the heart and body, this is why doctors used to sanitize medical equipment with them.

In a study published in The Journal Of Food Science And Nutrition, juniper berry showed that it helped to improve heart function.

For example, juniper berry essential oil has been found to reduce high blood pressure in animal studies, related to the antioxidants it contains

A similar study stated juniper berry functions as a natural diuretic which contributes to its blood pressure-lowering activity.¹³

Juniper berries also function as an “anticholinesterase agent.” 

This is important for heart function because anticholinesterase agents help to build up acetylcholine in the nervous system, which in turn can slow heart action, lower blood pressure, and increase blood flow.¹⁴

#3 Perfect Blood Pressure Nutrient: 


Olive leaf is mentioned in the Bible for its purported healing properties.

The original Olympic athletes were crowned with a wreath of olive leaves.

Data from a recent study shows it substantially lowers blood pressure levels.

A recent European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition published study was a double-blind, randomized, controlled, crossover trial involving 60 people over a six-week period.

The results stunned the researchers….

Daytime and nighttime blood pressure readings were all significantly lower following intake, relative to the control.

Reductions in plasma total cholesterol were also shown from taking Olive Leaf compared to the control.¹⁵

In an eye-opening study performed by researchers in Germany and Switzerland, scientists took 20 sets of identical twins… All of them suffered from high blood pressure, and gave one twin a special extract of Olive Leaf Extract, while their identical twin got a placebo.

The study lasted for 8 weeks and while the twins who got the placebo showed no improvements to their blood pressure, for the twins who’d received the special capsule filled with Olive Leaf Extract, the change was stunning.

You see, on average their blood pressure, readings went from 137/80 to 126/76. This is the difference between dangerously high blood pressure and a reading that most doctors would not even consider “bad.”¹⁶

Dr. Nakamura said,

“If you eat these 3 herbs every day, you will never have high blood pressure, and if you have it now, it will soon be in the normal healthy range and stay there”.

So now I know how to naturally get my high blood pressure lower and healthy again…

The 3 magic herbs…

So I figured it would be easy to just go out to health foods stores or herbal stores and buy these herbs or buy them in a supplement form, but I was wrong.

No store had these herbs in organic form (a must) and in the right dosage (also a must) that Dr. Nakamura recommended.

And neither did any of the products sold on Amazon. Or the GNC store.

So I was stuck again and back to square one.

But I was determined to find a solution.

I contacted a friend of a cousin who was in the vitamin manufacturing business.

I told her my story, and she was very impressed.

Their research team found another four herbs that have been shown to support lower healthy blood pressure levels.

These additional ingredients are: 


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